Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Winter's Prayer

"Let There be Joy, and Chestnuts and Rum"
By F. Ellsworth Lockwood

When evening's gleam, of golden light,
Fades away and darkness rules the night,
When I cry and my heart feels only despair,
When my ears strain, yet nothing I hear,
And there is a chill that grips the air,
Please Lord, let there be something more ...

Let there be daylight, and a dawn to come.

And let there be chestnuts, oranges, apples and rum.
Let there be happiness.
Let there be friendship, joy, laughter and sun.
A day with smiles. A day with peace.
A day of prancing and joyous release.

Let there be joy. Let there be happiness.
Let there be dancing and singing and chestnuts and Rum.
Yes, peace and prancing, happiness, joy,
Singing and dancing and ... a day of great fun.

#poem #christmaspoem #searchformeaning #meaning #happiness

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